Who is responsible for the performance and actions of the student in the clinic?

Who is responsible for the performance and actions of the student in the clinic?

NIMAA was founded by clinics; patients always come first. The patient is always the responsibility of the clinic and like any other externship, the clinic should supervise student actions and performance in their facility. NIMAA provides the instruction, and is involved throughout the entire externship; we have monthly meetings with program coordinator and preceptors to provide guidance and support, as well as to discuss any potential concerns. NIMAA externship organizations have the students observe and practice what NIMAA has taught them using the EHR, protocols, and policies of the externship organization.

NIMAA has three tiers of skills acquisition and practice; these three tiers are repeated over and over throughout the 29-week program, adding new skills every week. Skills training starts with online didactics and labs, including simulations. That is followed by practice with fellow students in skills labs at the externship under the supervision of NIMAA staff. Finally, once NIMAA instructors determine a student is competent in a skill, the student practices the skill in clinic, during externship hours.

NIMAA students are bound by clear codes of conduct, as defined in our course catalog, as well as by any HR practices at the externship organization.