What are typical Site Facilitator responsibilities?

What are typical Site Facilitator responsibilities?

Site Facilitators have an important role in the NIMAA Medical Assistant Program. This role comes with a set of activities facilitators will need to participate in with NIMAA students. These activities are outlined below:
  1. Provide space for students and instructors to meet remotely within the clinic, on the days skills labs are scheduled for NIMAA-instructed lab practice.
  2. Facilitate the NIMAA instructor’s remote connection into the lab space and provide students access to space at the scheduled time.
  3. Using the document provided by NIMAA to ensure that the equipment and supplies needed for the remote skills lab are available.
  4. Be present in the room at all times during the skills lab as an on-the-ground resource to ensure the availability of equipment, supplies, and safety for students and support the instructor when needed.