Registering for CU Learning

Registering for CU Learning

  1. Click on the link to CU Learning from within your course content ( You will be brought to this page to register with the CU e-Learning website.

  2. Click the Register button. You will be brought to the following page to enter the information CU e-Learning needs to register you for the site.

  3. Enter your information into the required fields.
  4. Enter NIMAA in the Registration Code field. 

  5. Hit the Apply Code button.
  6. Select National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement as your organization.
  7. Select Student as your role.
  8. Check the 'I’m not a robot' box, and follow the directions.
  9. Click the blue Register button.
    You are now registered with CU e-Learning and can start your first module.

  10. Click on the module assigned in the list of My Modules, and complete all parts. 

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